Shipping and Delivery

We prioritize delivering your items as swiftly as possible. Here’s how we break down the time it takes to get your order to you:

Order Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time

  • Processing Time: Involves preparing, assembling, and other pre-shipment activities. Duration depends on the destination and our efficiency.
  • Shipping Time: Starts after processing and is based on your chosen shipping method and destination.

Order Cutoff Time: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Standard Time

Please note, delivery delays can occur during high-demand periods and sales events.

Shipping Providers

We ship through USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL. The estimated total delivery time combines both processing and shipping times.

Timeframe by Product Type

Product TypeProcessing TimeShipping TimeTotal Timeframe
Custom Sneakers, Shoes, Boots3-5 days7-14 days10-19 business days
T-Shirts, Hoodies, Apparel, Backpack3-5 days7-14 days10-19 business days

We operate on business days (Monday to Friday, Eastern Standard Time), excluding postal holidays.

Shipping Costs

  • Standard Delivery: $4.95
  • Orders above $99: Free Shipping

Shipment Tracking

Carriers may take 5-7 business days to update tracking. If tracking hasn’t updated after 10 business days, contact us at [email protected]. To track your order, visit the Track Order section on our website.

Shipping Delays

If your package doesn’t arrive within 45 days, you’ll receive a full refund. For delays, contact us; we’ll respond within 12 hours.

If tracking shows ‘completed’ but you haven’t received your package, first check your property. Then contact the courier, as provided in our shipping notification email. For ongoing issues, reach us at [email protected].

(*) Important Notices

  • We’re not liable for undelivered orders due to incorrect or incomplete addresses. If you find an error, contact us immediately. However, expect a 48-hour response time for emails.
  • Any additional charges like taxes, duties, or regional restrictions are the customer’s responsibility. We are not liable for:
    • Customer-rejected packages.
    • Failed delivery attempts in the destination region.
  • We reserve the right to cancel orders without issuing refunds.

For all inquiries, reach out to us at [email protected].


Contact us


Email: [email protected]

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, UNITED KINGDOM

Phone: +44 7537 106789

Support Time: Mon – Fri: 9AM-5PM PST